Pulitzer Prize Photo Analysis

Sarah Liebman

Professor Razek

Comm 105

07 October 2013

Oklahoma City Bombing Pulitzer Prize Winning Photo Analysis

            In 1996, Charles H. Porter IV won the Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography with his photo of a firefighter carrying a baby away from the scene of the Oklahoma City bombing. His excellent use of many photographic elements produced this inspiring candid. The depth of field, focal point, exposure, and texture all culminate in a vivid image that conveys a message of love and compassion in the midst of a tragedy.

Porter used a relatively small depth of field, the only section of the photo in complete focus is the firefighter and the baby. In photography, the depth of field refers to the width of the area of the part of the photograph that is in focus. This narrow depth gives the photograph a more focused message. The audience’s eyes are drawn directly to the center of the photograph where the firefighter stares with concern at the baby. This clear focal point indicates that the photograph is not about the entire tragedy of the bombing in Oklahoma City; the photograph is about a single instance of a firefighter’s immense desire to save a life that appears to be past saving. With this focal point, audiences are more likely to see that the visor of the firefighter is up, thus he knows there is not much more he can do for the baby but mourn for the child and give him the attention he deserves.

The background of the photograph is relatively overexposed. When discussing photography, the exposure refers to the amount of light a photographer allows to enter the image when taking the photo. The audience cannot make out many clear images in the background except for some overexposed bushes. This shows that the setting on the day of the tragedy was sunny and bright; the exact opposite of the way the day ended up. This devastating contrast deepens the message for the audience, creating a photograph even more meaningful.

The worn texture, or surface, of the man’s clothes shows to the audience the unfortunate journey this firefighter had to weather on this day. The audience can imagine that he is completely exhausted, and yet he is still selflessly giving his time for this child. The worn down texture of his suit gives the audience a sense of admiration for his perseverance and care.

Overall, this photograph is breathtaking and unforgettable. Porter is well deserving of his Pulitzer Prize for conveying this heart-wrenching message.Oklahoma-City-bombing-1996

“Oklahoma City Bombing.” Wikipedia.org. Wikipedia, 9 Aug. 2013. Web. 07 Oct. 2013.

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